The key to developing communication skills in your child

Communication skills start well before the time a child enters kindergarten. From the time they interact with parents, children comprehend words and ideas in their own way.

The first interaction for babies becomes the building blocks of language. As they grow older they begin pointing at objects and following your gaze. Children learn to use language to communicate their ideas in clear ways.

Parents can promote communication skills early on in children. They can do so by reading illustrations in a book or touching on words as reading them aloud.

Children understand pictures. They convey their ideas and a particular page represents a certain spoken word or a phrase.

Playing rhyming games is a way of installing language and vocabulary in children. Singing songs highlights sounds of language and children learn to use these sounds to form letters. As they learn letters, they start pairing these letters together to form words.

How can parents develop communication skills in children?

  • Pretend play activities are a great way of boosting child’s communication skills. If you have daughters then a good old-fashioned tea party is the way to go. Get your hands on that plastic teapot set and encourage your child to dress up for tea. You can invite their siblings or if they do not have siblings, use their stuffed toys. Children must learn to greet their guests and invite them to sit at a table. They can learn to talk to their friends by facilitating conversations. Children should show good table manners and they must remember the magic words like please and thank you.
  • Children can start by role-playing their teachers. For example, they may act like their caregivers and pretend to give one-on-one attention to their stuffed toys. They can treat their animals kindly or tell children how to keep the area litter free. Children use different props to create engagement and form new words.
  • Your mobile phone can also come in handy during this time. Give your child a mobile phone. They can pretend to call a friend. Start by asking open-ended questions. Children are likely respond to the person on the other side. Use different voices and gestures to increase the fun.

Kindergarten sippy down enhances conversation skills in children

Children who are good at communication develop relationships with those around them. Children develop self-confidence and the sooner they develop good communication skills, they are prepared for all aspects of school life.

Majority of schools are facing a pandemic induced communication crisis. Around 90% of schools are concerned about child’s language development. There has been a year of lockdowns and mask wearing which has completely limited socializing

However, you shouldn’t worry the kindergarten at Sippy downs is know teachers dedicated to teaching your child communication skills.

They help children by expanding their vocabulary and providing them tools to articulate their opinions and feelings. Teachers ensure they play with words using tongue twisters and rhymes. The more fun it is the more it is going to spur your child’s interest.

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